Monday, August 22, 2011

Post Ovulation Update

Today I got my phone call regarding my post ovulation labs from my coordinator.  My RE is very pleased as to how the booster helped my body this time around.  My e2 level is 147 and p4 level is 23.3.  Let's see if changes my final outcome at all.  I still have my IVF consult this Friday afternoon and I'm trying to prepare as best as I can for this appointment.  I'm not sure what to expect at this appointment and what type of questions I should ask.  My RE did warn me that this appointment may leave me emotionally/mentally exhausted.  Now that I think back at him saying that, I should have picked a day where I can take a whole day off from work.  But maybe it's a good thing that I didn't, keep my mind occupied and not thinking about it too much.

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