Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monitoring Appointment

This morning I had my monitoring appointment for my third round of clomid.  I must say that it went better than expected.  I had two follicles on my Right side:  one measuring at 23 and the other measuring at 14.  My estrogen level was at 258 and my lining looked very good.  So I had met with my nurse and had gotten some of my instructions I was then to await for her call this afternoon.  My Re said I can use my HCG injection tonight since he does not want the largest follie to get any larger.  I then get to start my progesterone on Friday.  Let's hope to this course staying on a "positive" track.  The only thing that sucks about this cycle is that my husband is out of the state for a few days so I won't get to see him until late Thursday night, that's if I even get to see him.  Can I say how much I hate him being out of town when I need him.

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