Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I received a call from my RE with my path report.  Apparently I have inflammation and an infection going on called endometritis.  Never heard of such a thing.  My RE thinks that it could be from my history of yeast infections growing up.  Being a avid swimmer I was accustomed to getting these.  Anyways, he feels that my body never really got back to normal from the bad bacteria.  I am now on an antibiotic for 2 weeks.  I then go back in to see my RE in March to have another biopsy and go from there.  Hopefully I will only need 1 round of antibiotics to get rid of what I have.  So at this point using injectables is on hold and we will wait and see if the antibiotic will do the trick.  If not I guess we go back to the drawing board......

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