Friday, October 12, 2012

Oh What a Night!

My little bug has just become a little monster last night.  The past couple of nights she was up a couple of times for feedings.  Last night was a whole other story...I felt like I was back at the hospital or just brought her home.  She did not want to be put down to sleep, she wanted to constantly nurse.  After a day of barely napping and being very active, I thought I'd have a blissful/peaceful night.  I'd get to clean up, watch the debate, and relax.  Little did I know that she would fight me the minute I put her in her crib.  After rocking and feeding her for a few hours, I tried putting her down at 1 am.  I FINALLY changed, brushed my teeth, realized that I didn't bathe (oh well), and climbed into bed.  That was when my monster sounded her alarm.  At that point, I made the executive decision to go downstairs with her.  If I'm going to be up all night, I might as well be comfortable and have entertainment.  Amaya at least got a few hours of sleep.  Once J got up and left for work a little after 5 and I attempted one last time to put her to bed so I can at least get a few hours of sleep.  It finally worked and I successfully got a few hours of sleep.  I think she's going through a growth spurt, from what I read she is.  Today, she goes to the pedi for 2 month check and shots.  So we'll discuss when to start introduction of solids.

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