Saturday, October 27, 2012

3 Months Old

Each and every day I look at my little bug and she keeps changing and even getting bigger.  Everything is going way too fast and needs to slow down!

This past Monday, October 22, was my first day back at work.  It was rough for me, but the week got better since I got busier.  I have Amaya in a home daycare by my house and she loves it.  It did start out a bit rough with her naps and eating.  It wasn't until Friday that she finally ate 3- 3 ounce bottles and it all came down to the bottle.  At home we have been using Playtex Ventaire bottles since that is what seemed to work best for her.  But now, she likes the breastflow bottles which she didn't like before.  Today I continued with giving her the bottle, since I didn't want her to regress with her progress, and she fought me with the breastflow bottle.  So now I had to order new bottles for her while she is at daycare.  I have been having trouble finding them around so I had to go with Amazon.  So hopefully they will be here soon.  She's a strange little thing....Her naps got a lot better.  At the beginning, she would take small cat naps.  Her "report card" said 20 minutes here and 40 minutes there.  On Friday, she actually got a good solid 2.5 hours in with some small fussing.  And the best part of all is that she is taking to the pack n play which she hates at home.  On another plus side...she is back to sleeping through the night!!  Which I totally didn't think would happen with her poor eating habits the first half of the week.  She's down for the count at about 8:00/8:35 and then I get her up at 6:15 am for changing and her 6:30 am feeding.

What She Likes:
-Bath Time:  She absolutely loves it now.  She sits in her tub and kicks her feet around.
-Swing/Bouncy Chair:  Still loves them.  Passes out in her swing and just loves sitting in her chair bouncing and looking around.
-Playmat:  She loves looking at the animals above her.  She bats them around and even "talks" to them.
-Sitting/Standing:  She loves sitting up and looking around.  It also gives her a chance to try and grab her feet.  She also love to stand so she can be at eye level.  We get the biggest smiles out of her when she stands.
-Eating:  still loves to eat.  She's becoming a faster eater now which is starting to become a problem.  Sometimes she eats fast and doesn't realize she is full.  She then spits up all over.  We had at least 2 days of 2-3 outfit changes.
-Tummy Time:  She is actually starting to like this now.  She'll get frustrated after 10 minutes, but she's really getting the hang of keeping her head up and looking around.
-Attention:  Still loves her attention.  I don't think this is going to go away.
-Kids:  She loves watching the other kids in daycare play.

What She Hates:
-Bottles:  Only when mom gives them.
-Aspirator:  She really hates that nose sucker.

-We're getting a bit of a laugh from her.  It's not constant and sometimes it could be a half a laugh or a squeak.
-She has rolled over from front to back 2 times.  I'm not counting it as rolling over yet, because she is not  consistently doing it.  She is on her way though...
-She made it through her first week of daycare with minimal problems.  She absolutely loves being there.

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