Sunday, September 25, 2011

AF is here

AF appeared itself yesterday and I must say that I took it better than previous months.  I guess it's because now I know to possibly not to expect anything.  This month, I must say, has been nothing but good.  I have been in good spirits, eating better, and exercising more.  I just feel good all around and I haven't felt like this in a long time.  J and I will still be hoping for a miracle to happen, but we are fully prepared to not expect anything (although it would be nice because then I would have at least half saved for a new car).

I have done some brainstorming, and calculating, I figured if I put aside more than I originally was going to do for the IVF then I can reach my goal sooner.  I was originally going to do $500-$600 per month.  I have now decided to do $600-$700 per month.  I still have some figuring out to do.  I'm going to play around with my calendar and configure when bills are due so I can have the money ready for my bills AND allow me to put aside the maximum amount.  It also helps that my dad pays me to help him clean on Saturdays.  So that money gets put aside as well.  I only keep a small portion of that in my wallet to pay for my kickboxing classes.  We'll see how this all pans out.  Hopefully, I can reach my goal so J and I can start our pre-IVF testing early next year.

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