Friday, May 20, 2011

New Cycle

Yesterday I went to the RE for another baseline u/s.  I think my coordinators are starting to see the pressure, stress, etc that I'm in.  I met with my coordinator after my u/s and she was like: "everything looks good, you're ready to beging another cycle.  It looks like you have a 12 and 11mm follie and some smaller unmeasurable ones".  I asked if that was normal on CD 5.  Her response: "Some people yes, but your lining is still thin so that could mean a cyst or a follie left over from last cycle."  She tried to continue talking, but immediately stopped her.  Me: "A cyst?! How will I know if it gets worse?  What will happen if it gets bigger?  How will I know if it is a cyst?"  She asked if it would make me feel better if I also got blwk done.  I wanted to say soo bad...ummm yeah it would make me feel better.  I really do not feel like wasting a cycle or ending up in the hospital.  Trust me, I was as nice as I could be.  Well...while I was waiting to have my labs drawn, I over heard her talking to the lead coordinator that I'm requesting blwk.  They way she said it was that I'm undermeaning her medical advise and inconveniencing her.  I'm sorry, but I'm fairly intelligent and if you tell me there is a potential problem I want it resolved before it gets worse.  I was so furious with her, it took me awhile to calm down.  I understand that she is new and still needs to learn the ropes a bit better.  But I think you need to choose your words wisely or learn to phrase sentences better.  Anyways....despite that whole fiasco yesterday, I began Follistim yesterday at 75 iu again and it's just a left over follie.  Here goes round #2.

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