Monday, August 27, 2012

One Month Old

Time is going WAY too fast...My little bug is 1 month old!

What she loves:
-Eating.  She is definitely an eater.  She will nurse for about 40 minutes each time.  Now I am convinced that all of that time is not actually eating but comfort sucking.  I have tried switching sides in the middle of each feeding, but I think she gets too much then.  She'll stay on the breast for awhile and then spit out the milk with    an episode of spitting up.  These long nursing sessions leave me very tender and sore, that is where my lanolin comes in handy.  I have sporadically started pumping in between sessions and freezing for my return to work in October.  When I started, I didn't get much milk with each session.  I would say about 1-3 oz depending on when I would pump.  I haven't pumped for about a week and have since taken Fenugreek supplements to help my supply.  I must say that I have noticed an incredible difference so I may start pumping again soon.  I have also been playing around with nursing pads.  So far my favorite is Lanisoh, not a fan of Avent.  When I wake up in the morning I am covered in milk.

-Swing/bouncy chair.  She loves both of them.  She will nap in them for hours.  Which is a lifesaver because I can cook, clean, do laundry, work out.

-Car seat/stroller.  I have started taking her out on walks and she loves walks.  She will pass out about half way through.  She also loves car rides.  I think any excuse to be in the car seat she'll take it.

-Attention.  She is her mother's daughter!  She will cry just so she can be held by mom or dad.

-Staring.  I don't know what fascinates her, but I always catch her staring at something...especially the curtains.

What she hates:
-Tummy Time.  She cries with frustration every time.  She is very strong and is good with getting her head up.  She'd rather it on the Boppy then her play mat.

I give up mom.  I'm going to sleep!
-Bath Time.  She is getting better with long as I stay away from her face and hair.  She'll scream her head off.

-Diaper Changes.  Still trying to master quick changes to beat or minimize her screaming.

-Pacifiers.  It's just not the real thing.  She will take it if it is against my chest, but she won't just take it.

Small Milestones:
-She's starting to smirk at us while awake.  She smiles a lot when she sleeps and feeds.  I love it!  I can't wait until she does this when she reacts to us.

-Newborn diapers and some onsies are in the past.  It depends on the brand though.  Some 0-3 clothes are a tad big on her, but she is so long that I can't put her in newborn clothes.

-We've had a couple nights of 5 hour sleeps.  Normally she is 3-4 hours, but we are slowly making strides to sleeping through the night.

Happy One Month Bug and many more.

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