Monday, April 11, 2011


So I made my follow up call to my RE's office like I had planned.  I left a message for my nurse asking about my results and my meds/if they were sent to my pharmacy.  Around 11ish I received my return phone call from my nurse explaining that my doctor needs to talk to the pathologist.  GREAT!!!  She continued stating she doesn't think that it is bad news, but doctor has my chart on his desk and his door was closed.  To me, that just tells me that something is wrong.  I am so on edge right now it's ridiculous.  This could be why my pharmacy wasn't called or had anything faxed.  Or it could be that my course of treatment is again changed.  I just wish I had some sort of answer.  This wait is killing me and starting to scare me a bit as well as stressing me out.  Not only for my results, but to get my medication in time to start treatment. 

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