Friday, July 8, 2011

RE Update

Today was a very long day.  Since my RE's office is quite a distance from my home, I spent the day around my docs office.  This morning I had my lab draws: e2 level, FSH, and AMH.  Then I had my appointment with Dr. M scheduled for 2:30 with my baseline u/s.  Well, he was held up in surgery so my appointment was pushed an hour later.  Find with me, I always come prepared with a book and my iPod.  Anyways, my levels were good.  My FSH was 7.74 and my AMH I will get next week since that takes longer.  Dr. M feels that level should be normal based by my FSH level.  He looked at my u/s and said I have 10 follies starting and will begin my 4th cycle of Follistim on Sunday.  I did discusss at lengths at what could be the issue.  He feels that all of my hormones look good and my egg quality is good.  IF there is anymore problems it is with the outside of my egg and not allowing the sperm to penetrate.  So I've decided to do 2 more rounds of Follistim and then go to the next step.

I already have my IVF consult scheduled for end of August with my RE.  He did give me a printed sheet of the cost, which is pretty overwhelming since I will be almost 100% oop.  My ins will pick up my prescription coverage which will save me at least $3400 and it may cover the diagnostics as well.  So all in all, I may only need to pay for the actual procedure itself.  I'm not 100% with this, but feel that it will be 50/50 coverage now that I think of it.  My coordinator will have more answers at my IVF consult.

I do think my appointment was productive and my questions were answered.  My RE even said he hopes to never have the IVF conversation with me again.  Which I feel is positive thinking on his end the injections will eventually work.....we'll see.  But until then, I will try to be positive and start with a clean slate this cycle.  I feel that this post was a little rambly, so for that I apologize and thanks for sticking through!

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