Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Know You Are Out There

So I got this idea from a fellow blogger Scuba and I think it's a really good idea.

I was initially diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia which had been causing an ovulation dysfunction.  Once that was resolved, I was unexplained for a short time.  Then I developed a luteal phase defect.  So my RE wants me in the unexplained category.        

I started blogging to release my thoughts and emotions.  Never did I think anyone would read this.  It's nice to know that people take the time to read my ramblings (since that what my some of my blogs are).  Even though some family and friends know about my infertility, none of them know about my blog.  I really don't tell my family much about my infertility journey because I fear of the response that I may get (due to past experiences of course).  Some friends, who happen to be my closest co-workers, know every detail that I am going through (some have gone through some of what I am going through or are 100% empathetic).

I you read my blog, tell me about yourself.  How did you find me?  Anything you want to know about me?

As always, thanks for reading!!


  1. Hi girl!! I found your blog from the Bump, and I know you read mine as well. I am a 30 year old prosecuting attorney. My husband is in business. We have been married for 4 years and trying to get pregnant for over a year now, but it's a bit of a problem because my husband doesn't produce sperm and I have PCOS. We are starting the IVF process and hopefully November is our month.

    So what are your favorite hobbies? Where did you go on your honeymoon?

  2. Favorite hobbies: biking and hiking (even though I didn't do much of it this year). I'm also an avid reader. I absolutely love Nicholas Sparks. For our honeymoon we went to St Lucia. We stayed at Sandals Grande. Absolutely loved it there. Everything was beautiful: the scenery, weather..
